African-American and African Foundation on Science, Education and
Economic Development, Inc. (AAAFSEED) © '93
We offer several programs, which help:
- Advance African-American and African business partnerships, i.e. increase business investments in Nigeria, South Africa and other African nations.
- Advance tourism, i.e., encourage Americans in general and African-Americans in particular to visit Nigeria, South Africa and other African nations.
- Advance the training of Africa's business persons and educators in the areas of science and technology with an emphasis on computers.
- Encourage African-Americans to work, invest and travel in Nigeria, South Africa and other African nations; and Nigerians, South Africans and others Africans to work, invest and travel in the United States, other countries of the African continent and other countries in the Diaspora.
- Encourage, sponsor and develop satellite programs for education and science, which will allow for mass communication of educational knowledge and current scientific findings.
- Develop centers for the collection of high school and college math and science textbooks, related journals (no more than five years old) and equipment which will be shipped to Nigeria, South Africa and other African nations.
We already have a lot of achievements and have made many contributions that we are proud of. These include:
- Being Good Will Ambassadors
- Presenting economic development paper at International Conference on Slavery in Dakar, Senegal.
- Presenting economic development paper to Ambassador in New York and the United Nations' Secretary General via of the Nigerian Ambassador.
- Sending 100 new colorful tablet desks to Dr. Martin L. King's Girls Junior High School in Dakar, Senegal, in cooperation with the United States' Ambassador in Dakar, Senegal.
- Sending 25,000 new textbook to public schools in Lagos, Nigeria, distributed by the Nigerian Rotary Club and cosponsored by Rotary Club International, USA and Canada.
- Developing and implementing Ann Arbor, Michigan/Dakar, Senegal Sister City.
- Hosting Ambassador Manadou Seck, Senegal's Ambassador to the United States, University of Michigan's, Center for African-American and African Studies.
- Hosting African Students.
- Creating Family Exchange Program: restoring cultural exchanges through friendships and marriages.
- Having 300 dresses designed and sewn for little girls in Africa.
The African-America and African Heritage Partnership
This is an economic development partnership for African-Americans and Africans. All Fortune 500 corporations pay from their gross profits a 5 percent royalty or $100 billion per year for harm done and free labor from slaves employed to build America and its businesses. The plantation slavery business model produced wealth for corporations in America, which was inherited by the Fortune 500 corporations. AAAFSEED will allocate $50 Billion each year to African-Americans and diaspora; $50 Billion each year to African nations.
There are about 15 corporations that directly inherited their wealth from the slavery business, i.e., New York Life Insurance Corporation, Lehman Brothers, Aetna Inc., J. P. Morgan Chase, Wachovia Corp, N. M. Rothchild & Sons Bk of London, Norfolk Southern and E.W. Scripps & Garnett.
The partnership will be legalized by a U.S. Congressional bill. This is not reparations, but a business relationship for African nations and African-Americans. It is seed money for a family restoration program.